
Who is Ari Halbkram? It's a question he's been asking himself his whole life, but especially lately. He'll let you know if he ever gets it totally figured out. While under construction, he's been a journalist and music writer, an independent filmmaker, a tour manager, an A&R guy, a podcaster, and a brand consultant.

He's traded movie collecting for record collecting, has dug through crates in multiple continents, has defended the virtues of the Oxford comma, and sought the perfect Old Fashioned. 

He sleeps when he can. 

He also agrees that it’s lame that he wrote this in the third person.

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© Copyright 2017-2024 Ariel Halbkram. Unless otherwise noted, all writing and images on every page of this website are originals, created and owned by Ariel Halbkram. All rights reserved.